The Bible is the most influential book in History. Though containing 66 books, and written by over 40 authors, the Bible actually reflects one larger story, the story of God and his purpose for his creation. In Genesis 1:1–2:3 we have a big picture of not only who God is, but who we are as his creation, and the purpose for our being. Genesis 1:1–2:3 provides us with the opening act of the unfolding good and perfect plan of God.

A true understanding of God’s character leads us to have a deeper, joyful relationship with Him. In this encounter with Jesus, He reveals to us that God is someone to fear and, at the same time, calls us to draw near. If we only hold on to one of these things and not the other, it will affect how we relate to God.

How do we endure the pressures of life? Financial strife, relationship breakdown, mental health struggles? When it feels like we’re drowning, we can’t help but ask “how does God protect me from this?” Psalm 91 casts a picture of God as the ultimate protector. Nothing can touch the one he has rescued. But how do we line this picture up with our experience?

When Moses meets God in the burning bush he discovers that God is not like him, that God is God. That God is not only holy, but the one who saves, and whose name shows he's worth trusting as what he says will happen.

With so many voices and opinions, who do we follow? Isaiah 6 gives a vision of the one true God who stands over all. We’re reminded that God is holy and powerful. God is also faithful to his promises and saves his people.

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