— Ray Galea —

Love the Lord with all Your Heart

There is no question that Christians love God, but do we love him with everything? Or do we share the love that he deserves with something else. Its not that we love him, but that he first loved us.

Passage: Deuteronomy 6:1-12
Date: 5th Aug, 2012

More talks in this series

rooty hill

30th Sep, 2012
Luke 15:11-33
23rd Sep, 2012
Romans 9:1-5
16th Sep, 2012
Mark 7:1-23
6th Sep, 2012
Ezekiel 36:20-29
26th Aug, 2012
Proverbs 16:1-9
19th Aug, 2012
Psalm 56:1-13
29th Jul, 2012
Exodus 8:1-19
22nd Jul, 2012
Genesis 6:1-8

