Supplemental Talk for 2017 Commitment Series. Talk originally from

The first Christmas was unlike the photoshopped, airbrushed versions of Christmas we see on cards & nativity scenes. In fact the first Christmas was a mess! God was at work in the mess of the first Christmas to fix the mess we’d made in the world.

Leadership in the church is a high calling; leaders are expected to be above reproach. On MBM annual leadership weekend we explore the character and calling of a leader.

Are we a church that’s willing to do whatever it takes to see as many as possible come to Jesus? We need to be ALL things to ALL people so that by ALL possible means God would save some! How can we use culture for Christ?

How quickly we forget just how good it is to be a child of God. Psalm 103 is a psalm of pure praise. David overwhelms his soul with truth about God until it explodes in worship. All people, everywhere bless the Lord.

As Christians we ignore hell and are ignorant of heaven. Yet the scriptures call us to behold the kindness and severity of the Lord (Romans 11:22). Matt explains the gravity of what the Bible's teaching is on hell and heaven.

What kind of year do you want 2013 to be? Psalm 1 gives us an example of what life can be like if we get stuck in the reading of the Scriptures.

It is God that gives us a new heart, a heart that desires to please Him. If it were for the work of God's Spirit in our lives our hearts would be rock hard, it would have no affection towards God, it would still be stubborn and rebellious.

Even when we fail to align our hearts to God, he can still use us, just like he did Jonah. If God can transform an entire nation through a disobedient prophet how much more can He work through a willing heart.