While the world is going mad and all sorts of crazy things are happening - we often wonder who can stand? Who can make it through?
Revelation 7 answers that question for us so clearly.

Ruth 2 - the second chapter of Ruth does two things for us. It tells men how God expects us to behave toward all women: honour, respect, care, provision and protection. But it also tells us what ‘good’ looks like when life gets hard.

There’s lots of things in life that can tempt us to think we can be closer to God if only we could do this or experience that - this part of the Bible pours cold water on that and tells us that in Jesus we’re as close to God as we ever need to be.

A challenge, a coronation and a celebration.

Easter Sunday - Jesus’ resurrection is the greatest vindication in history!

One of the coolest stories from John’s Gospel - where Jesus heals a blind man who turns into one of the most courageous evangelists in history!

Where is your dimmer switch?

One of the big questions nearly every person from every culture wonders what God wants from us.
Jesus answers this question in a typically unexpected way.

James 3 - ‘that thing none of us gets right consistently.’

Daniel's picture of the Lord Jesus is of the crowned Lord of All, with absolute authority, glory, and sovereign power.

Kingdoms rise and kingdoms fall. Daniel co-operated with the despot but did not compromise. And God was faithful to him.