Just as Jesus considered us more important than himself, he calls us to consider one another in the same way. No longer living for ourselves, like our old nature did, but sacrificially giving ourselves to others, for the benefit of the whole church, and the whole world.

Christ has united cultures of all backgrounds, to God and each other, through his death in our place. By fulfilling and superseding the law, there is now only one way to God; through Jesus.

Jesus hangs on the cross as humanity mock “save yourself, if you can”. Yet in Jesus, God was saving those very ones who mocked him. Jesus could have saved himself, but didn’t, because we can’t.

Christians worship the God of comfort in the midst of pain and hardships. But the temptation is to serve the idol of comfort and seek to escape suffering. Paul shows us that as our bodies waste away, we can have confidence that our home is in heaven, not on earth; not in a mortal body, but an eternal one.

Christians carry the aroma of Christ everywhere we go. As we share Jesus with the world, some people will love it, some will hate it, but God is pleased to use us regardless of the outcome.

Our culture says life is about sex and judges all things by that. God says, sex is for marriage, marriage is for God and life is about more than both! It’s about marriage with Jesus.

Having Integrity is the ability to reflect and display our God of truth to a world warped and made crooked with lies.

We love superheroes. They inspire hope and a longing for more. But Superheroes are all based on, and ultimately point us to the true hero, Jesus. The one who not only made us, but came into our world, to give his own life to rescue us from our ultimate enemy, ourselves!

We often find ourselves asking, “How could God allow that?” Through the life of Samson and ultimately in the life of Jesus, we learn that God can work through sin to bring about salvation for His people.

Jesus calls all who would follow him to consider all other agendas forsaken, for the sake of his.

Jesus can be confusing because he often does the opposite of what we expect. People usually desire power to control. But Jesus, who had all power, used his to serve and save others. Will you let him serve you?

John warns about those who claim to have a word from God just for you. He calls the church to test the spirits and shows them how they can know if they’re hearing God’s voice, or a false prophet’s.

How do we know if we know and love God? John tells us we know by living like Jesus did: Keeping God’s commands to love each other the way Jesus loved us.

Israel were invited to see God and given a way for that to happen. We have also been invited into His presence for eternity through Jesus Christ.

God saves and transforms the community of His people through this new way of doing life.

God is faithful to His promises in the midst of our reality. When life turns upside-down, knowing that God is for us, with us, and bigger than us protects us from falling into the depths of despair.

Jesus teaches us to pray that we would have all we need today to exist on to tomorrow for God’s cause.

To learn to pray, we must understand Jesus, the Son of God's prayer life. He demonstrates utter dependence and desire to be with His Father in heaven. For those who trust in His name, he offers full and free access to God.

Jesus teaches all who would come to Him what life in God’s kingdom will be like. He flips their world upside down and challenges our view of what being blessed truly is.