In the face of opposition, Jesus shows us again who he is and how he works. He is the Son of God, and he’s calling people into His family. The question is, am I a part of it?
Jesus proves his identity as God by doing what only God can do.
Jesus demonstrates what life in His Kingdom has to offer.
God has been preparing the world for the good news of the arrival of Jesus. When he arrived, God confirmed His identity as His Son, the King.
When the world calls us to dance to their song, live their way, and serve their causes, God shows us He is the only one worthy of our allegiance.
All of history has been overshadowed by darkness and death… until Jesus entered the world to offer us the light of life.
Creation to new Creation - Where does Christmas fit into our lives?
As all humanity moves towards the final day, God has provided us with everything we need to be fully prepared to meet him.
Of all the things we chase in life to fill us with joy, Paul shows us there’s no greater joy than helping others find confidence before God in Christ.
Since Paul left the Thessalonians so quickly and didn’t return, he could easily be accused of being a fraud, in-genuine, trickster. To restore their confidence in God, Paul spells out for the Thessalonian believers not only his great love for them, but the motives that drove him to share the gospel.
When we entrust ourselves to God and give to others as he’s given to us, God is able to impact lives now and into eternity in a way we couldn’t imagine or control.
How are we to think of Giving today as Christians? What does faithful Stewardship look like? Is 10% enough?
Christians are generous people because we have a generous God who includes us in His nature to be generous givers like Him.
God cares how we live as families in the church. He calls children and parents to reflect the same love and obedience our Heavenly Father and His son Jesus have.
Living for Jesus in this world affects every aspect of life. Marriage is one of those areas. A godly marriage is only able to flourish when it mirrors the relationship God has with His people, the Church: A relationship of love, leadership, respect and submission.
Just as Jesus considered us more important than himself, he calls us to consider one another in the same way. No longer living for ourselves, like our old nature did, but sacrificially giving ourselves to others, for the benefit of the whole church, and the whole world.
Christ has united cultures of all backgrounds, to God and each other, through his death in our place. By fulfilling and superseding the law, there is now only one way to God; through Jesus.
Jesus hangs on the cross as humanity mock “save yourself, if you can”. Yet in Jesus, God was saving those very ones who mocked him. Jesus could have saved himself, but didn’t, because we can’t.
Christians worship the God of comfort in the midst of pain and hardships. But the temptation is to serve the idol of comfort and seek to escape suffering. Paul shows us that as our bodies waste away, we can have confidence that our home is in heaven, not on earth; not in a mortal body, but an eternal one.
Christians carry the aroma of Christ everywhere we go. As we share Jesus with the world, some people will love it, some will hate it, but God is pleased to use us regardless of the outcome.