God wants you to love your life more than you do! But what does that look like? And how do we make sure that we live life the way he intends?

God not only makes promises, he keeps his promises. Just as amazing is that God makes a promise to a sinner and idol worshipper just like us, to be the father of many nations because of his faith. By faith alone through Christ alone, we are God’s chosen people!

Many go through life asking and never finding out. Some travel the world seeking to find the answer but are disappointed. We believe the answer to this very important question is in the Bible and we want to share it with you.

Life...random, accidental, and fluke? Or intentional, purposeful, and fingerprints?

What does God want from me? My background and my behaviour? Or something else?

Telling people about Jesus can be hard for Christians to do. But maybe the issue isn’t how we do it - but why.

What does it mean to be a Christian man?

Who do you say Jesus is? When you find out the truth about his identity, only then can you know the true value of your soul.

In the middle of the bruised, fragile, dark world that we live in - where is justice? And who will rescue us from the darkness?

Where is God in the pain? Does he care - or has he turned his back?

Jesus Christ rose from the dead: but what does that mean for your life? And what does it mean for your death?

What does adversity reveal to us about the heart of Jesus?

We all want to live great lives: but is it actually possible? Investigate what Jesus says about true greatness.

Are you a hypocrite? Or are you authentic? Jesus shows us the difference - and the reason it matters.

What are you most passionate about? Join us as Dave looks at the words of Jesus - and discover what it looks like to live a true life of passion.

Does God speak? Or is he silent?
We're convinced that he does speak - in fact: he's never stopped. Join us as we look to the Bible for the answer to this question.

Society says the opposite of anger is weakness. But what does God say? Dave Jensen speaks on the topic of Gentleness and asks the question: Is it possible that a better life is out there?

What does it mean to be a Christian? Is it about your heritage, your upbringing, or your behaviour? Or is there something more? Dave looks at the conversion of Saul to see where true salvation really comes from

What is the good life? And where do I find it?