Expanded Vision + Mission

The Privilege of Partnership

Firstly, we count it an absolute privilege that God would enable ordinary people like us to partner with Him in building His Kingdom.

The Scope of the Vision

a. Western Sydney

We are committed to serving Western Sydney by sharing our Lord and Saviour as the only way of salvation. We understand that each of us is directly responsible for our own generation. This is our time and this area is our first concern.

We are focussed on reaching people from within a region, rather than an immediate locality. From Parramatta to Penrith and from Kellyville to Hoxton Park, we long to see people transformed through Jesus for God’s Glory. We are jealous for God’s honour and we are convicted that He has the right to be glorified in this part of His world.

b. Multicultural

God, in His sovereign control of history, has brought the nations into our backyard. We refuse to let this wonderful opportunity slip through our hands.
God desires all people to be saved and so do we.

When we see people from many cultures represented in our congregations, we understand that this is a taste of heaven itself. Our multicultural church reminds us that God has indeed kept his promise to Abraham.

Saving Transformation

Our first priority is to enable those who are stumbling in spiritual darkness to see Jesus—the Light of the world. We desire people to rejoice in God’s forgiveness instead of suffering in guilt and shame. We yearn for those suffocating in pride to humble themselves before the true and living God. We want to share a God-given reason for living with those who despair in meaninglessness. This transformation can only occur through the message of Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

Christ-like Transformation

We also understand that God, in His Grace, is not satisfied in merely saving people from hell. He wants to change them for His Glory and their good. We truly believe that God’s way is the best way in all areas of life. We want to make lives better now, on God’s terms, while never forgetting that the best is yet to come.

As God’s people, we are committed to being transformed into the image of Christ. It is our passion to live out the fruit of the Spirit, beginning with the most important, which is love. We aspire to have Christ at the centre of every human relationship as we offer our bodies as living sacrifices. We seek to present each other holy and blameless to Christ on the last day.

Our church culture rightly values a commitment to holiness. We will make heroes out of ordinary people who put Jesus first, in spite of suffering.

We will be excited when a person comes to Christ. We will be just as excited when someone denies themselves and, takes up their cross for Jesus. While we may not always be what we want to be, we know by the Grace of God we are not what we used to be.

Bible-based Transformation

We refuse to believe the lie that we are wiser than God. No matter how unpopular we become, we will hold fast to the Bible as the final authority in all areas of life. We long for our people to love God’s Word: to study it, meditate on it, memorise it and most critically, to trust and obey it.

Transformation Bathed in Prayer

We want to be a church that genuinely and prayerfully depends on the Holy Spirit in all it does. We desire to be a church where every ministry is bathed in prayer and not just planning.

Transforming Church Life

As a church it is our goal to provide ministries where every person, in every age and stage of life, experiences church family life. We want them to be encouraged and enabled to please God. Our ideal is inclusion: we are eager to serve whoever comes to us and in whatever situation they find themselves in, but always on God’s terms.

We are eager to identify, encourage and nurture the gifts of the Spirit in each of us. We need each other if we are to fulfil God’s calling for the Church. We give God our best when we excel in all we do.

We understand that the future of our church depends, in part, on the quality of our leaders. We are committed to identifying gifted and godly leades who will, in turn, inspire and equip others to be all that God created them to be.

Transforming Our Community

We dream of making the western suburbs of Sydney a better place, beginning with Rooty Hill. We want the next generation to inherit a better community than we did.
We long to impact our nation, firstly with the gospel and secondly with justice and mercy. We must speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. We are committed to relieving suffering in the world and even more so the world to come.

Transforming The World

We are a missionary church. The Kingdom of God is greater than Sydney. We are committed to co-operating with other churches and ministries to bring the gospel of Grace to other nations. Our co-operation will include sending missionaries and providing finances, prayer and support.

Transforming Strategy

We believe that a large, regional and evangelical church will be a blessing to Western Sydney. We believe this blessing will extend to other local churches, too. As a larger church, we will be able to establish strong, viable church plants.
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