Ancient Crete serves as a prototype of a post-God society like our own. In Titus, Paul gives the young church plants wisdom for how to survive and thrive in such a context. The opening of the letter captures two foundational realities: The message is the engine of the church, and they need to make sure it stays the engine of the church.

A healthy church is one where the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit is alive and well!

What makes an authentic church? Is it the preacher, the music, the spiritual high or something else? Paul explains what an authentic church is, and why it matters!

This is the final talk in a series give by Peter at Big Day In 2023.

Peter takes us to the heart of what church is, who it is and what it's purpose is. In doing so, we come away with a breathtaking picture of just how precious the church is in God's eyes.

Church is so important that a key part of your worship is to be active in building church community.

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