— Ray Galea —

The Rejection Of God As King

God proved that he was King of Kings by taking out the Philistines without one Israelite. They then ask for a king like the nations to lead them into battle. That was idolatry!

Passage: 1 Samuel 8-12
Date: 1st Jun, 2014

More talks in this series

rooty hill

6th Jul, 2014
1 Samuel 27-31
29th Jun, 2014
1 Samuel 23-26
22nd Jun, 2014
1 Samuel 18-22
15th Jun, 2014
1 Samuel 16-17
8th Jun, 2014
1 Samuel 13-15
25th May, 2014
1 Samuel 5-7
18th May, 2014
1 Samuel 3 - 4
11th May, 2014
1 Samuel 1:2-11

