— Ray Galea —

The Curse Of Saul

As God's favour falls on David, Saul's heart is hardened with envy and murder.
Jonathan chooses to side with the true messiah over his father. Each of us are called to love Jesus - the Son of David more than everyone.

Passage: 1 Samuel 18-22
Date: 22nd Jun, 2014

More talks in this series

rooty hill

6th Jul, 2014
1 Samuel 27-31
29th Jun, 2014
1 Samuel 23-26
15th Jun, 2014
1 Samuel 16-17
8th Jun, 2014
1 Samuel 13-15
1st Jun, 2014
1 Samuel 8-12
25th May, 2014
1 Samuel 5-7
18th May, 2014
1 Samuel 3 - 4
11th May, 2014
1 Samuel 1:2-11

