— Ray Galea —

Counting Down To Judgement

The book of Samuel ends with another reminder that King David has fallen again. He is a flawed Messiah making God the hero who provides the means for sacrifice whereby God`s wrath is averted. David is like Adam in bringing sin and punishment on his people and yet he is like Christ offering his life for theirs.

Passage: 2 Samuel 24:1-4, 9-25
Date: 21st Jun, 2015

More talks in this series

rooty hill

14th Jun, 2015
2 Samuel 22
7th Jun, 2015
2 Samuel 13-20
31st May, 2015
2 Samuel 11:1-17
17th May, 2015
2 Samuel 9
10th May, 2015
2 Samuel 7:1-17
3rd May, 2015
2 Samuel 6:1-15

