— Ray Galea —


Jesus is just about to instruct his apostles on the persecution they are about to face. He likewise challenges us not to be people pleasers, and not to be private disciples (for being a private disciple means that you aren't a disciple). Congratulations you who are persecuted, you are in fine company.

Passage: Luke 6:12-36
Date: 17th Feb, 2013

More talks in this series

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27th Apr, 2014
Luke 12:22-34
13th Apr, 2014
Luke 12:13-21
6th Apr, 2014
Luke 12:1-12
16th Mar, 2014
Luke 11:1-13
9th Mar, 2014
Luke 10:25-42
2nd Mar, 2014
Luke 10:1-24
2nd Mar, 2014
Luke 10:1-24
23rd Feb, 2014
Luke 9:51-62
7th Apr, 2013
Luke 9:28-50
31st Mar, 2013
Luke 7:1-17
24th Mar, 2013
Luke 8:22-56
17th Mar, 2013
Luke 8:4-18
14th Mar, 2013
Luke 6:36-50
24th Feb, 2013
Luke 6:37-49

