If you are sure you are a Christian then walk in grace, live in love and grow in fellowship.

A healthy church is one where the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit is alive and well!

Nobody likes to feel weak. In fact, we all try to hide our weakness to show we’re strong and can prove ourselves. What can we do then, when our weakness spills out except retreat inwards in self pity? Well, in 2 Corinthians 12:1-21 Paul demonstrates that when God and his gospel are involved, our weakness doesn’t end in self pity, but just the opposite!

Central to our nature is the desire to be valued and known. In this section of 2 Corinthians the Apostle helps us re-frame how we think about the location of our worth and value. This value is not found inherently in our efforts or achievements, but in recognizing God’s power shown in our short-comings.

The apostle Paul was unlike the super apostles. For him it wasn’t just a matter of believing the truth but also acting in accordance with the truth. And unlike the super apostles, his boast was in his weaknesses rather than his strengths

We live in a world that raises serious questions about truth. People are skeptical about news on social media, news from sources of authority, news that is ‘fake'. In 2 Corinthians 11:1–30 Paul strongly defends the importance of truth, and in particular he defends the truth of the gospel as the basis for genuine Christian ministry. In this sections he condemns falsehood and then reveals the surprising nature of what true gospel ministry looks like, namely, weakness.

None of us like being opposed or criticised when we take a stand for Jesus. And yet, Paul was no stranger to such opposition on a regular basis. In 2 Cor 10, he gives us a master class on how to respond.

In 2 Cor. 8-9, Paul continues to unpack his favourite topic of grace and here he applies it to giving. In this sermon we ask three questions about this text: 1. What is this grace of giving? 2. What would is the goal of grace giving? 3. What is God actually promising about giving?

Despite living in one of the richest countries in the world we are prone to a mindset of scarcity. In 2 Corinthians 8 and 9 Paul gives the church an incredible example of God’s grace. God gave the poorest church the most generous hearts. In light of the gospel - a story of God’s generosity to us we are to test ourselves and excel in the grace of giving.

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