Safe Ministry

MBM’s vision is to see lives transformed through Jesus Christ to the glory of God. An important outworking of this is MBM’s commitment to the physical, emotional and spiritual welfare and safety of all people, particularly within our own church families. 

Our Safe Ministry Policy has been developed to help us live out our Biblical mandate and our legal responsibilities under Australian legislation.

At MBM Our Core Safe Ministry Values Are Based On:

That all people are respected and valued as they are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27) and the desire to see the flourishing of all people as they journey with God in safe church and ministry environments.

Our commitment to the protection of children and vulnerable people in our community as essential to our living out our Christian faith (Matthew 18:5-10).

The knowledge that concealing the truth is contrary to the character of God, unjust to victims and a disservice to offenders.

NSW State legislation, particularly in the area of child protection. Our policies are developed to help us live out both our Biblical mandate and legal responsibilities.

To ensure the safety of children and vulnerable people in our communities, MBM, in conjunction with the Anglican church of Australia, will:

1. Adopt and encourage safe ministry practices by its clergy and church workers

  • MBM is committed to creating safe ministry environments as well as ensuring safe individuals. We commit to a culture that regularly seeks to provide this through the purposeful design of ministry philosophy, practice and environments. We commit to implementing and reviewing this in ways that seek to reduce problematic behaviour by any person in MBM ministry activities and facilities.
  • MBM is committed to the continuous review and improvement of its ministries, facilities and safe ministry processes. We seek to achieve this by a minimum of six-monthly safe ministry reviews of all our programs and facilities and by providing regular opportunities for the MBM church family to provide feedback to the MBM Leadership team including the Deacons.
  • Abuse of any form thrives in silence and secrecy. We commit to being a church where it is clear that abuse of any form is not ok, but that talking about it is OK.
  • MBM will ensure that it is easy to access appropriately trained and qualified people for support and guidance in the reporting process.

2. Carefully recruit and train its clergy and church workers

  • MBM will ensure that all leaders in all ministries will have been appropriately selected and trained for their roles at Church.
  • MBM will provide appropriate induction, supervision and ongoing review of all of its ministry leaders.
  • MBM will cross-verify that all leaders of children and youth ministries have current WWCC clearances.
  • MBM will require all leaders to read, agree to and abide by the Anglican Diocese Faithfulness in Service 2017.

3. Respond promptly to each concern raised about the behaviour of its clergy, church workers and congregation members.

  • We understand and value the need for support to all parties involved in an allegation, including the aggrieved person and the alleged offender, and we actively seek to provide this support.
  • We are committed to ensuring that all concerns raised are taken seriously, acted on in a prompt manner and that a thorough process of investigation is undertaken.
  • We will ensure as far as possible that a compassionate response is the first priority in all concerns raised through offering assistance, protection and care.
  • By working towards best practice in minimising the risk of abuse, ministry misconduct and the misuse of positional power by its clergy, church workers and congregation members. Ongoing education, transparent governance, leadership and active promotion of reporting processes are key in this.
  • All allegations of suspected child abuse and domestic and family violence will be reported to the appropriate external authorities.
  • Any disclosure will be kept confidential within the bounds of good safe ministry practice.

4. Offer pastoral support to any person who has suffered abuse.

  • We will provide crisis and ongoing pastoral support to those who have suffered abuse.
  • We will assist survivors of abuse to access appropriate support from Government and Non-Government Agencies.

5. Provide supervision of and pastoral accountability (within the context of the ministries, locations and activities of the parish) to any person (who is a member of a congregation and) who is known to have abused a child or another vulnerable person.

  • MBM is committed to ensuring the safety of children and vulnerable people in our church as our first priority.
  • MBM is committed to ministering grace and discipline to those who have been known to abuse a child or another vulnerable person by appropriate Safety Plans.
  • We will do this within the strict guidelines provided by the Anglican Diocese.