Ministry Handbook

Building Community

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Building Community

Contacting Kids In Your Group

Write each child in your group a letter.
Address letters care-of the parent/s. Simply place letters (with child’s full name) in rolls for office to post.

Phone children to follow-up significant events in a child’s life
Such as a major exam, netball final, dance competition, speech contest. When phoning children, use the home phone number or parent’s mobile (never call on a child’s mobile). Always to speak to the parents first – to check if it’s OK to talk to their child.  

Visit children
When significant things happen in their life: hospital, broken limbs, death or major illness in family. Please ensure you take another leader, Kids Ministry Director, Campus Minister or Team Leader with you.

Celebrating Birthdays

Write a birthday postcard for each child
As their birthday nears, write a birthday postcard and place in your roll. Write child’s full name and date of birth where the stamp will be attached (office will fill in address and send on the correct day).

Visit each child
With parent permission/supervision, visit them during the week of their birthday.

Establish a tradition on how birthdays are to be celebrated
Each small group needs to determine this and be consistent for the year (e.g. sing Happy Birthday, birthday sticker, pray for child - thank God for them, pray they’ll love Jesus always).

Help at the birthday parties
If able, offer to help out at the parties of the children in your group.

Communicating Well

Visually display the structure of the program
Using words or picture (or both) display the routine for the day: singing, craft, games etc. So children know what’s coming next.

Have consistent verbal cues to go with visual cues
"It’s pack-up time" "It’s singing time" "It’s memory verse time" etc. Develop chants for Toddler and Preschool kids for each transition in the lesson. Knowing structure helps kids feel relax.

Advertise social events weeks in advance
Hand out notes to children 3-4 weeks in advance and every week until the event. E-mail parents the first week as well as the week of the event.

Send home a "What We Learnt This Week" postcard
To any kids who were absent

get in touch