With so many voices and opinions, who do we follow? Isaiah 6 gives a vision of the one true God who stands over all. We’re reminded that God is holy and powerful. God is also faithful to his promises and saves his people.

Bible Text: Colossians 3:12-17 | Preacher: Chris Allan | Series: Fullness and Freedom | Chris reminds us who we are and how the call to be kind, gentle and patient works itself out in the very practical way of forgiving others. What a challenge!

Bible Text: Luke 11:1-13 | Preacher: Chris Allan | Prayer is one of the most fascinating and overwhelming promises the Bible makes. The Bible promises those who pray that their prayers will be answered... and yet the christian experience is often filled with unanswered prayer. What do we make of unanswered prayer? Is it a reason to distrust God? Does God not care? Or even worse, is God not sovereign?

Bible Text: John 13:12-30 | Preacher: Chris Allan | Series: MBM 21st Celebration

Bible Text: Romans 7:1-25 | Preacher: Chris Allan

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