Acts 18 shows us so clearly that the Gospel goes out into the world through Gospel relationships. Today we will explore a number of these relationships and then see what we can apply as we continue partnering with God in His global mission.

Bible Text: John 21:1-17 | Preacher: Brendan Reilly | Series: The Life of Peter | Peter is both apostle of our Lord Jesus and a glorious mess and it’s in his story we meet the God of grace.

Bible Text: 1 Peter 2:9-12 | Preacher: Brendan Reilly | Series: Why Not… World Religion Series | Brendan talks about how New Age ideas are growing around the world however without Jesus at the centre of your devotion you will not find peace.

Bible Text: John 13:1-20 | Preacher: Brendan Reilly | Series: Why Not… World Religion Series | Brendan talks about Hinduism from a Christian point of view and compares the Grace of Jesus to the Hindu karma.

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