One moment we praise our God and the next we tell our loved ones to shut up! Why? Lead Pastor Ray Galea opens up James 3 as we consider how we use our words.

One of the reasons we find forgiving others difficult is the sense that they have gotten away with hurt and injury. Lead Pastor Ray Galea shows us from Romans 12 and Hebrews 12 that we can forgive because we have a God of justice.

Pastor Rob Abboud reminds us of the importance to pursue peace with one another. For unresolved conflict with each other, means conflict with Jesus himself.

The way Christ guards the holiness of the church is by the use of the neglected grace of Church Discipline. It is driven by salvation of the sinner and the holiness of the church.

When conflict ends up in peace then trust needs to be rebuilt with love.

God is calling us to engage with others as he has has lovingly engaged with us. In this talk, we look at 3 pictures, 2 commands and 1 big goal that help us do that.

Before I approach a person to resolve conflict I need to want their good and be aware of my own sin.

Each time we experience conflict we need to go to higher ground and consider both God's glory and love for the other.

Jesus is emphatic that the grace of God and the fear of God make it clear that forgiving others is not an option.

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