We were created to work! Sin frustrated that. But Jesus has re-created us in His image to work with Him for eternal purposes. Through Proverbs, God teaches us how to do that work wisely.

We have all struggled with anger either in ourselves or from others. The Bible has a lot to say about anger. Proverbs in particular helps us see how anger can be used as a good gift from God if we use it to stir gently, burn warmly and rule wisely.

We have all struggled with anger either in our selves or from others. The Bible has a lot to say about anger. Proverbs in particular helps us see how anger can be used as a good gift from God if we use it to stir gently, burn warmly and rule wisely.

Of all the subjects one could talk about, the issue of speech is the most commonly talked about topic in all of the Proverbs. There is power in words. In this message we explore God’s wisdom on how to speak well.

Of all the subjects Proverbs deals with, it offers us the most wisdom when it comes to our words. Specifically what words to say, when to say them and why we say them.

Humility offers us freedom from the prison of pride, and it comes only through the grace of God in Jesus.

Pride is something we all struggle with. Whether winning an argument, gaining a promotion, or being noticed, we all have a desire to come out on top. In God’s kingdom, however, greatness is not marked by accomplishment, but by humility.

Our culture says life is about sex and judges all things by that. God says, sex is for marriage, marriage is for God and life is about more than both! It’s about marriage with Jesus.

Proverbs gives us wisdom for wealth in this age, but Jesus gives wisdom for wealth into eternity

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