Jesus calls all who would follow him to consider all other agendas forsaken, for the sake of his.

In life we often seek to measure up to other people’s standards. But what does it mean and look like to measure up to God’s standards? In Matthew 15 we discover that the answer is not found in human traditions, but in a heart transformation.

People often think of Jesus as powerful, but a bit distant. Strong, but not really personal. In Matthew 14 Jesus reminds us of the compassionate heart of God.

What a day! Jesus’ grief over sin and evil leads him to reveal more of His divine power to save. At the end of this day you’ll want to love, trust and worship Jesus all the more.

The teachings of Jesus challenge us to think about how we view him. For those who are his followers his teachings provide comfort and encouragement, but to those who reject his teachings Jesus provides a warning.

We have a deep longing for justice. Has your desire for justice ever made you ask hard questions of God? In this sermon, Jesus answers the people asking questions about God’s plan for justice and he confronts those who falsely accuse him. In God’s plan, he never brings justice without first offering mercy.

You who are weary and burdened, find rest for your soul in our fearsome yet wonderful God.

The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Matthew gives us the Why, How and Who when it comes to finding more workers.

We all have expectations of what Jesus should be like…but what happens when He clashes with our expectations?

Jesus has such power, that we must put our faith in Him, forsaking all to follow.

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