The exalted God of all has come close to us in Jesus – therefore church is incredibly significant.

When Israel lose sight of God, they quickly turn to idolatry and their downfall. God shows here how getting him right is the path to life.

Israel were invited to see God and given a way for that to happen. We have also been invited into His presence for eternity through Jesus Christ.

God saves and transforms the community of His people through this new way of doing life.

God is for His people by providing, being present and protecting them, let His people be thankful!

Israel’s Passover reminds us to keep remembering afresh our utter dependance upon the blood of Jesus for salvation.

Be thankful that God is Lord and uses His authoritative power to rescue you.

When Moses meets God in the burning bush he discovers that God is not like him, that God is God. That God is not only holy, but the one who saves, and whose name shows he's worth trusting as what he says will happen.

God is faithful to His promises in the midst of our reality. When life turns upside-down, knowing that God is for us, with us, and bigger than us protects us from falling into the depths of despair.

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