Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 | Preacher: Ray Galea | Series: Easter 2016 | The good news of our Lord Jesus Christ is not what we do for God but what he has done for us. This gospel has five elements. 1. Christ died for our sins, 2. that he was buried. 3. that he rose on the 3rd day 4. according to the Scriptures and 5. he appeared to others. This alone is the good news which saves.

Bible Text: Romans 5:8-9 | Preacher: Ray Galea | Series: Easter 2016 | God's love has been on display for the last 2000 years when He gave His best (his Son) when we were at our worst. Now that Christ has done the hard thing by dying for his enemies how much more will He do the easy thing and save us now that we are justified.

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