The way Jesus teaches us to pray would seem to indicated he knows forgiveness is not easy for us.  In fact, what we are going to see today is “It is the prayer that moves our hearts so we actually want to forgive.”  What does Jesus want us to know and learn about His Father and forgiveness and how does prayer interact with that?

Jesus teaches us to pray that we would have all we need today to exist on to tomorrow for God’s cause.

Bend your will to God’s will – in prayer and in life

What is the kingdom? What are we praying? We're praying for Jesus to be king both now and forever.

Jesus teaches us to pray "Our Father in Heaven". Followers of Jesus, like Jesus himself, pray to the Father knowing that he's close, he cares and he's in control. God the Father is relational, he cares about individuals, and he's also in Heaven, he's in control of everything. He loves it when we pray to Him as His children.

The invitation of Psalm 131 is to approach God as a humble, calm, content, and a dependent child with his/her mother.

To learn to pray, we must understand Jesus, the Son of God's prayer life. He demonstrates utter dependence and desire to be with His Father in heaven. For those who trust in His name, he offers full and free access to God.

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