Jesus says we all have a choice to make, because we can't serve God and money at the same time. So how should we choose? Jesus tells us and shows us what it's like to live under a different kind of king.

We are driven by many reasons to do the things that we do, including how and why we live the Christian life. Today, Pastor Pre Shunmugam takes us to Jesus' words which get us to the heart of the matter.

Jesus wants us to see that His Father is good! He uses his sun and rain to create a safe space where all people can see his goodness. And this is how he wants us to treat others.

Jesus teaches all who would come to Him what life in God’s kingdom will be like. He flips their world upside down and challenges our view of what being blessed truly is.

Jesus shunned the devil’s shortcut to splendour, and chose the slow task of building God’s Kingdom person by person by way of the cross.

How is Jesus able to relate to us and help us when we are tempted? Today, Pastor Ray Galea shows us from Matthew 4.

What's the difference between repentance and remorse? Is there a difference? Today, Pastor Ray Galea explains the difference and the results of both.

What is the one thing that will hold you back from following Jesus? Today, Pastor Ray Galea answers that question from Matthew 2.

The Book of Matthew starts with a list of names. At first glance, this doesn't seem like the most exciting way to introduce the Saviour until you realise the question that it is answering. Today, Pastor Ray Galea helps us to understand both the question and the answer.

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