The Old Testament is a book without an ending and can be summed up as "He's coming". As we turn the pages of the New Testament, we meet Jesus who announces: "I'm here" and with him comes the kingdom of God. Jesus shows he is God's ultimate person, God's ultimate place and God's ultimate ruler who showers us with the ultimate blessing.

God uses a symphony of testimonies to provide certainty that Jesus is God’s promised king, the one promised to usher in God’s kingdom, and the only hope for humanity.

John was an ordinary man who fell in love with an extraordinary man named Jesus. He shows us Jesus was a real man who really loved us and made a way for us to dwell with him forever.

Why have Christians down through the ages called the day Christ was crucified, Good Friday. Let us discover why its so good.

Over the years there has been much debate about whether the Kingdom of God is present reality or a future expectation. In his talk Neville grapples with this tension and seeks to answer this question.

The longer we live, the more broken our lives become. In this talk, Jesus meets a woman who is completely broken - she has lost her health, money, and dignity. But in Jesus, she doesn't just find healing, she also finds freedom and peace.

Bible Text: Mark 8:27-38 | Preacher: Ray Galea | Series: Half Truths | Third mantra of the model world: Be True To Yourself. In what sense is it true and in what sense is it false?

Bible Text: Mark 2:13-17 | Preacher: Dan Lee | Series: Christmas 2018

Bible Text: Mark 2:1-12 | Preacher: Ray Galea | Series: Nothing He can't Forgive | Jesus demonstrates both his authority to forgive and how our greatest need is to be forgiven.

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