Getting started with your pledge

It is an absolute privilege for Christians to be financial partners in the work of promoting the name of Jesus, and caring for the poor. In the act of being generous, we express our confidence that God has our back. If we seek first his kingdom he will take care of our needs.

We thank God for the generous heart that he has stirred within you as you partner with us in 2023.

Below you will find the information for your chosen giving method so that you can fulfil your pledge.

Direct Deposit

St Alban’s Anglican Church
BSB: 062 310
Account Number: 0090 0900
*Please include your Campus name in the description.

Credit Card

Any reoccurring giving using your credit card during 2022 (via Church Starter or get Generous) only remains in place for the year; it needs to be set up again each January.

To set up your credit card giving for 2023, please use the button below.


Village Church: A collection is taken during the service

MBM Rooty Hill: There is a locked collection box at the rear and side of the auditorium
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