Judah may have abandoned Tamar, his daughter-in-law, but the Lion of the Tribe of Judah will never abandon those who come to him.

The Joseph story helps us to see that when life turns upside-down, God is still in control, and he's still good.

Failure to trust God’s promises caused Jacob to let fear stop him from seeking justice for his daughter and for his sons to over react with vengeance.

God is in the business of transformation. And Jacob's story is off the one the first. A man who deceived his way to the top, yet God worked in his life through grace, through others and trials to be radically different.

God’s commitment to one messy family will not and cannot stop his purposes. He is a God of not just amazing grace, but also scandalous grace.

God will never ask of you, what only he could do himself – to give up his one and only Son. Yet he does call us to offer our bodies as living sacrifices.

As Sodom is about to be totally destroyed because of its great sin Abraham asks the eternal question, Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?

God turns his promises (Gen 12) into a covenant (Gen 15) with a covenant sign (Gen 17) to assure Abraham and his descendants that the promises to bless the world will come true.

God launches his mission to save the world through promises made to Abraham.

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